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iGültig nur für Neukunden auf den ersten Termin bei der Buchung einer regelmäßigen Reinigung. Nicht kombinierbar mit anderen Rabattaktionen

Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre Putzfrau in Zwickau

Versicherte und zuverlässige Putzfrauen in Zwickau finden

  • Bewertungen und Preise vergleichen
  • Persönlicher Kundenservice
  • Haftpflichtversichert bis zu 5 Mio. Euro
  • Keine Vertragslaufzeit, jederzeit kündbar

Zur idealen Reinigungskraft mit nur wenigen Klicks

1. Postleitzahl eingeben

Finden Sie die passende Reinigungskraft direkt in Ihrer Nähe.

2. Wunschtermin festlegen

Wählen Sie die Dauer und Häufigkeit Ihrer Reinigung – ganz ohne Vertragsbindung.

3. Reinigungskraft anfragen

Vergleichen Sie Profile, Preise und Erfahrungsberichte auf einen Blick.

Mehr als
1 M
Reinigungen vermittelt
zufriedene Kunden
In über
Städten verfügbar

Ihre Vorteile mit Helpling​

Ihre ideale

Vergleichen Sie Preise und Bewertungen tausender Reinigungskräfte miteinander und buchen Sie in nur wenigen Klicks die Reinigungskraft, die am besten zu Ihnen passt.


Zu Ihrem Schutz ist jede Reinigungskraft auf der Helpling-Plattform bis zu 5 Mio. Euro haftpflichtversichert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren AGBs.

Helpling ist

Helpling wurde von der DtGV als bester Online-Putzdienst 2021 ausgezeichnet und überzeugte in den Kategorien Preis, Buchungskomfort & Reinigungsqualität.


Der Helpling-Service ist Montag bis Samstag von 08:00 bis 17:00 Uhr per E-Mail oder telefonisch für Sie da und hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.

Entspannt durchs #AlltagsChaos

Genießen Sie mehr Freizeit mit dem passenden Reinigungsservice. Über die Helpling Plattform finden Sie die ideale Reinigungskraft für Ihr Zuhause. Neben einer gründlichen Haushaltsreinigung übernimmt Ihre Reinigungskraft auf Wunsch auch gerne viele weitere Aufgaben, wie zum Beispiel Wäsche waschen, Bügeln, Fenster putzen und Blumenpflege. Probieren Sie es jetzt aus – ganz ohne Vertragslaufzeit und jederzeit kündbar.

Persönliche Erfahrungsberichte von Kunden

Vergleichen Sie persönliche Erfahrungsberichte und Bewertungen anderer Kunden.
Diese finden Sie direkt im Profil der Reinigungskräfte.

„Zoe ist sehr freundlich und sympathisch. Sie kam pünktlich und hat unsere chaotische Wohnung gründlich und effizient gereinigt.“

Marion N., Berlin


„Sehr angenehme und freundliche Person, hat bei uns hervorragend geputzt – wir sind sehr zufrieden mit ihr und können Pricilla jedem empfehlen!“

Corinna G., Hamburg


„Arbeitet super und die Verständigung auf Deutsch ist bestens. Jetzt fest bei uns auf Dauer gebucht.“

Lena K., München


The easiest way to your cleaning lady in Zwickau

Looking for a private cleaning lady in Zwickau? Are you looking for a cleaning lady in Zwickau or a suitable household helper for your home ? Welcome to, Europe’s leading online marketplace for the provision of household-related services. On our website or via our app, we can bring you together with your cleaning lady in Zwickau in just a few steps. All cleaners and household helpers are insured against liability. The German Society for Consumer Studies (DtGv) awarded the Helpling platform in the categories of price, transparency and safety. The cleaners placed impressed with very good cleaning quality and service. Find your cleaning lady online on the Helpling platform now!

In addition to private cleaning staff, Helpling also provides other household-related services through partner companies, such as professional household help,  furniture assembly , errands, dog care or cat sitting. Helpling is your marketplace for all services related to your own home and the easiest way to find your cleaning lady in Zwickau!

Online, uncomplicated, secure – Find your personal cleaning lady in Zwickau via Helpling

Booking a cleaning lady made easy! You can now easily find your private household help in Zwickau in just a few steps via Helpling. First, enter your postcode to check whether cleaners are available in your area. Then leave all the relevant details about your apartment cleaning in Zwickau, such as the date, time and desired cleaning duration. You can use the Helpling platform to book a one-off and a regular cleaner in Zwickau for your private household. Compared to a one-off cleaning, you save 30 percent with regular bookings. Looking for a cleaning lady in Zwickau? No problem. Your cleaner comes to your home weekly or bi-weekly. Of course, you can change the cleaner at any time. You can also easily rebook individual appointments in your online profile. If your cleaning lady is on vacation or ill, we will help you find a replacement for your cleaning lady.

An apartment cleaning in Zwickau – according to your wishes

No matter what type of cleaning you want – you can discuss the details of the apartment cleaning in Zwickau individually with your cleaner. Chat with your cleaner in your Helpling online profile before the first cleaning appointment. Clarify your wishes and any questions you still have. We recommend that you personally greet your cleaner in Bamberg before the first cleaning. Show the cleaner around your apartment and tell her your special instructions and wishes. Discuss with your cleaner what should be cleaned in the apartment and define the focus of your basic cleaning. Of course, you can also give your cleaner a key. Please provide your household help in Bamberg with all the cleaning products she needs  . If you have any questions, uncertainties or requests for improvement, our reliable customer service will be happy to help you.

After the cleaning is complete, you pay your cleaner securely online – by credit card, PayPal or direct debit. After each cleaning, you will receive an invoice that you can attach to your tax return. This way, you benefit from a 20 percent tax advantage on household services.

Looking for a cleaning lady in Zwickau! Helpling can help you

The cleaning ladies we provide offer their cleaning services in and around Zwickau.

Name Lastname 1

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 2

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 3

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 4

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 5

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 6

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 7

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:


Name Lastname 8

( Reviews)

19.5 €/Hour

About me: I have worked as a cleaner for I have worked as a cleaner for close to two years in hotels and residencies. Need someone who you can trust to maintain the cleanliness of your home or space ?

Letzte Bewertung:
